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Album "Holzkasten - ÄMP Berlin - 17555 " von Lutz

2) Holzkasten - ÄMP - 17555

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors, zitiert aus Dr. Otto Schaden : The God's Father Ay. - Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota, 1977. - S. 88-93 :

Berlin 17555

This wooden chest is said to have been found at Tunah. It contains several titles and variants of titles of Ay and Ty which do not appear in their Amarna tomb, along with several other interesting elements.

The box itself measures 27.9 cm. in length, 26.2 cm. in width. The height of the end panels (B and C below) is 15.8 cm.

A1 and A2 represent the removable cover panels; D and E are the sides which bear texts; B and C are the end panels which have texts and representations. ...