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Nicole B. Hansen zu Zahi Hawass and all that
Politische Enflüsse in der Ägyptologie und in Ägypten
Iufaa am 24.07.2003 um 16:02:32

Unten habe ich ein Posting von Nicole B. Hansen kopiert, daß ich im Forum von Guardians Egypt gefunden habe (http://egyptologist.org/discus/messages/6/8663.html?1059045163). Nicole B. Hansen gehört zum Team von Kent Weeks. Der Thread beginnt mit der Forderung nach Rückgabe des Rosetta-Steins und diskutiert ähnliche Forderungen.

Nicole B Hansen -> I think what is important to realize that all of this posturing that Zahi has been doing lately has everything to do with politics and very little to do with Egyptology. I have found it quite amusing watching all of the debate over whether Joanne Fletcher's claims of having found Nefertiti were founded or not. The truth is that while Zahi may have attacked her on scientific grounds, the real mistake was in that the Discovery Channel announced the discovery without any consultation or coordination with the SCA. This is not allowed according to SCA rules and is nothing new. Remember that Greek woman who worked in Siwa back in 1995 who did the same thing and got blacklisted as well? When Zahi said Fletcher was naive, I think it would be fair to say that she was naive to not realize that announcing her discovery in this manner would not get her in trouble.

As for the demands on the British Museum, the Berlin Museum situation, etc., in the end, what does it matter for the sake of Egyptology where these objects are? But for appearances in internal Egyptian politics, such demands look really good to a lot of Egyptians from a nationalistic perspective. I don't think it is any coincidence that Zahi made this announcement on the day before the 51st anniversary of the 1952 Egyptian revolution, or four days before anniversary of the 1956 nationalization of the Suez Canal.

It would be nice if Egyptology were able to exist without the interference of politics but realistically, it never has. How do you think the Rosetta Stone got in the British Museum in the first place? The British took it as war spoils from the French. Since its inception, Egyptology has been intertwined with politics and if someone wants to work in Egyptology they simply have to be able to deal with both academics and politics.

Insgesamt deckt sich der Post mit meiner Ansicht bzgl. zahlreicher Aktivitäten von Hawass, die wohl vor allem innenpoltische Bedeutung haben (trotzdem zuckt man hier bei solchen Meldungen immer wieder zusammen). Darüber hinaus verweist N.B. Hansen im Zusammenhang mit Fletcher auf die Politik der ägypt. Altertumsbehörde (SCA), die verlangt, vor Publikationen (deren Material durch Forschung in Ägypten gesammelt wurde) informiert und um Erlaubnis gefragt zu werden. In diesem Zusammenhang habe ich vor Jahren auch gehört, daß das Team von der jap. Waseda-Uni, welches die Erlaubnis für DNA-Untersuchungen an Tutankhamun hatte, bei der Einreise umgehend wieder des Landes verwiesen wurde, weil das SCA entdeckt hatte, daß die Japaner ihre möglichen Ergebnisse bereits an eine Fernsehanstalt exklusiv verkauft hatten (vermutlich zur Kostendeckung).


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