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Dig days in Al-Ahram Online
Zahi Hawass speaks out
Iufaa am 19.08.2006 um 17:00:34

In seiner Columne Dig Days1 in Al-Ahram Online amüsiert sich Zahi Hawass über das Team, das KV63 ausgräbt.

Kennzeichnend für den Ton des Artikels sind solche Sätz wie
...and the fight between the two Egyptologists Otto Shaden and Lorilei Cocron, who both wanted to be director of the excavation.
...that Cocron had been seen sobbing in the valley.
und abschließend
...that Shaden travelled to the United States, that the work continued, and that Lorilei Cocron stopped crying and was happy that Shaden was away for a few days.

Ansonsten bringt der Artikel nichts Neues zu KV63

1: http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/808/hr1.htm


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