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Intaktes Grab in Assuan entdeckt
Shemai - Bruder Sarenput II. (12. Dynastie).
Lutz am 22.03.2017 um 13:32:13

Ahram Online meldet die Entdeckung des intakten Grabes eines jüngeren Bruders Sarenput II., Gouverneur der Region unter mehreren Königen der 12. Dynastie :

" New Discovery: Intact Tomb Uncovered in Aswan1 " (Ahram Online, 22.03.2017)

The intact tomb of the brother of a 12th Dynasty Elephantine governor has been uncovered, containing a range of funerary goods

The Spanish Archaeological Mission in Qubbet El-Hawa, west Aswan, has discovered an intact structure where the brother of one of the most important governors of the 12th Dynasty, Sarenput II, was buried.

Mahmoud Afifi, head of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Department, described the discovery as “important” not only for the richness of the burial chamber, but also in shedding light on individuals close to those in power. ...

Ein Spanischer Pressebeitrag, mit Video (3:35 min.) ... " Egiptólogos españoles hallan la tumba intacta del hermano de un gobernador de Elefantina2 " (ABC - Alicia Alamillos, 22.03.2017).

Die Internetseite des Spanisch-Ägyptischen Teams : " Proyecto Qubbet El-Hawa - Proyecto de la Universidad de Jaén (UJA) y el Ministerio de Antigüedades Egipcio (MOA)3 ".

1: http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/261435.aspx
2: http://www.abc.es/cultura/abci-egiptologos-espanoles-hallan-tumba-intacta-hermano-gobernador-elefantina-201703221439_noticia.html
3: http://uja.molobo.es/


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