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Sarkophag mit Mumie in Assuan
Spätzeitliche Grabanlagen in der Nähe des Agha-Khan-Mausoleums.
Lutz am 19.09.2018 um 01:50:27

Nevine El-Aref berichtet am 18.09.2018 in Ahram Online über den Fund eines Spätzeitlichen Sandstein-Sarkophages in der Nähe des Agha-Khan-Mausoleums in Assuan :

" A Sarcophagus With A Mummy Uncovered In Late Period Tomb In Egypt's Aswan1 ".

Die im Sarkophag gefundene Mumie ist in Leinenbinden gewickelt. Ihr Erhaltungszustand wird mit sehr gut bezeichnet :

" The Identity Of This Remarkably Well-Preserved Egyptian Mummy Remains A Mystery2 " (Live Science - Owen Jarus, 19.09.2018)
Archaeologists have discovered several ancient Egyptian mummies — including the remains of a remarkably well-preserved individual — in a tomb along the west bank of the Nile River, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities said in a statement released today (Sept. 18).

The 2,500-year-old tomb — located in Aswan, in southern Egypt — was likely used as a communal burial, Abdel Moneim Saeed, director of Aswan and Nubia antiquities at the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, said in the statement. ...

1: http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/9/40/311786/Heritage/Ancient-Egypt/A-sarcophagus-with-a-mummy-uncovered-in-Late-Perio.aspx
2: https://www.livescience.com/63615-egyptian-mummy-discovered-in-sarcophagus.html


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