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Königsmumien ziehen um
Verlegung in das National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
Lutz am 16.05.2019 um 23:04:15

Diverse Medien berichten über eine für den 15. Juni angekündigte Parade der besonderen Art in Cairo. In einem feierlichen Zug sollen die Königlichen Mumien aus dem Ägyptischen Museum am Tahrir in das National Museum of Egyptian Civilization1 in Cairo überführt werden.

Kritikern des Umzugs in das NMEC erscheint dieses Museum wegen seiner geringen Attraktivität, nicht zuletzt auf Grund seiner Lage im Stadtteil Al Fustat, als ungeeignet.

" Royal mummies to be transfered from Egyptian Museum to NMEC on June.152 " (Egypt Today - Angy Essam, 11.05.2019)

" Royal Mummies to be Transferred to NMEC from Egyptian Museum3 " (Egyptian Streets, 12.05.2019)

" Investigating the Mummies4 " (Al-Ahram Weekly Issue 1443 - Nevine El-Aref, 16.-22.05.2019)
The Egyptian royal mummies project has resumed in the search to find out more about their lives, deaths and lineage ...

... Hawass said that the second phase of the Egyptian mummies project had now resumed in order to study the rest of the royal mummies, among them those on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo that will be transported to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in Fustat. ...

... He said he had tried to find the mummy of queen Nefertiti’s sister, Mut Nedjment, in order to compare it with the headless mummy, but regretfully he could not find the remains previously located by Egyptologist Jeffrey Martin inside the tomb of her husband Horemhab in Saqqara. ...

1: https://nmec.gov.eg/en/stories/s/1273/0/Mummies-Gallery
2: http://www.egypttoday.com/Article/4/70284/Royal-mummies-to-be-transfered-from-Egyptian-Museum-to-NMEC
3: https://egyptianstreets.com/2019/05/12/royal-mummies-to-be-transferred-to-nmec-from-egyptian-museum/
4: http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/News/27155.aspx


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