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Ägyptologie Forum >> Architektur & Kunst

1) KV 17 - Hall of the Beauties
Tutti am 22.11.2017 um 07:58:30

Hallo zusammen,

welchen Raum in KV 17 (Grab des Sethos) bezeichnet Belzoni  als Hall of the Beauties? In den Werken von z.B. Hornung finde ich die Bezeichnung nirgends auf den Grabplänen...

Dankeschön und viele Grüsse,


2) Re: KV 17 - Hall of the Beauties
 Iufaa am 22.11.2017 um 09:23:27


das ist wieder eine von den Fragen, bei denen eine einfache Google-Recherche zahlreiche Antworten liefert.

Zu faul Tutti, selber zu suchen?

Z.B. auf dieser Seite1, hier2, ev. auch einen Blick in: Wilkinson&Reeves, The Complete Valley of the Kings" werfen oder zu Factum3.

Chamber I, the chamber antecedent the burial chamber, was named the Hall of Beauties by Belzoni since of its exquisitely painted bods of the king and assorted deities. Unluckily, the bosoms made by 19th century visitors earnestly besmirched the paint and stained the walls. What one ascertains today is a bare apparition of what once had been a masterpiece. Even so, the quality of the relief chipping at can still be looked up to, especially contingents of faces and hieroglyphs. On the left side of the chamber, the king is displayed seven times, adopted by Hathor, abiding before Anubis, extending to Isis, abiding ahead Harsiese, bidding to Hathor, standing before Osiris, and with Ptah. The right side is similar, exclude at the far end, where the king stands before Nefertum.


Iufaa (Moderator)

> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 22.11.2017 um 07:58:30
