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  Ägyptologie Forum
   Pharao & Hofstaat (308)
   Eunuchen? (3)
  Autor/in  Thema: Eunuchen?

« Datum: 25.07.2016 um 16:58:44 »   

Ich konnte leider kein Thema dazu finden, deswegen muss ich das hier mal fragen als ersten Beitrag.

Im Internet findet man einiges zu dem Thema, aber nichts eindeutiges. Gab es in Ägypten Eunuchen?

Danke für Antworten!
Iufaa  maennlich

Re: Eunuchen? 
« Antwort #1, Datum: 26.07.2016 um 22:42:04 »   

Die Antwort ist ja, es gab Eunuchen, die in der Schrift als "sxtj" = "Verschnittene, Eunuch, Hämling" bezeichnet wurden (s. Hannig, Deutsch-Ägyptisch, S. 383).

Im Lexikon der Ägyptologie (LÄ) gibt es in Band II, Sp. 46-47 einen kleinen Artikel von A. T. Sandison, Glasgow, UK, zu Eunuchen sowie mehrere Querverweise zu "Kastration" und anderen Lemmata. Nach diesem Artikel war die Beleglage bei der Erstellung des LÄ (1977) allerdings sehr dünn.
Weitere Aussagen sind nach diesem Eintrag kaum möglich, hier müßte der moderne Stand der Forschung - so es einen gibt - durch eine vertiefte Recherche in der Literatur erarbeitet werden. Viel Vergnügen dabei.

> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 25.07.2016 um 16:58:44  Gehe zu Beitrag
Lutz  maennlich

Re: Eunuchen? 
« Antwort #2, Datum: 28.07.2016 um 01:57:38 »   

Gerald E. Kadish : Eunuchs in Ancient Egypt?. - In: Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson - SAOC 35. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1969. - S. 55 - 62 :

AEB 69.0301 :

Proceeding from the usual translation as "eunuch" of the word sārîs, used twice in the story of Joseph as recorded in Genesis, the author studies the problem whether eunuchs have been known in ancient Egypt. Neither pictorial evidence nor the texts offer unambiguous data to their existence as an institution. The author suggests, though with hesitation, that the motif of castration may also be derived from the Tale of the Two Brothers, where the younger brother is said to castrate himself. The Hebrew author then transferred the castration element to Potiphar.

Donald B. Redford : A Study of the Biblical Story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). - Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1970. - XIV, 290 S. - [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 20] :

AEB 70.0453 :

Although mainly concerned with the Joseph story in the O.T. Egypt is mentioned in most of the chapters. Important remarks to Egypt occur on p. 5-9 (genealogy), 91-100 (motifs such as that of the spurned wife, magicians and wisemen, the famine), 110-128 (the use of divine names in Egyptian literature), 153-156 (paraphrased recapitulations in Egyptian literature).

Chapter 8 (187-243) deals with the Egyptian background of the Joseph story. The author disputes Vergote's conclusion (see AEB 59.0608 = Vergote, Joseph en Égypte, 1959) that the background details reflect Ramesside times. He lists no less than 23 elements, all pointing to a later period. We mention: the title "eunuch" (sāris) occurs first in the Persian period (cfr AEB 69.0301); the investiture of Joseph with a ring, a linen garment and a gold collar is not in accordance with the Egyptian custom as represented in 9 instances, from Tuthmosis III to Ramses II, where the only symbol of office is the staff twrit, while the 32 instances of rewards given by the Pharaoh to officials (listed p. 209-213), in which no ring or garment, but several collars occur, relate to quite a different ceremony; the Egyptian proper names in the Joseph story show a late type; the use of "Pharaoh" in stead of "king" in the oath formula occurs from the 9th century onwards; Joseph's agrarian reforms reflect no particular period, but tax-freedom for the priests may point to the ideal situation obtained under the Saites or later. From these and more arguments the author concludes to the period between c. 650 and 425 B.C. as the probable date of the composition of the Joseph story.

An extensive bibliography on p. 254-272, index on p. 273-290.

Piotr O. Scholz : Der entmannte Eros - Eine Kulturgeschichte der Eunuchen und Kastraten. - München : Artemis & Winkler, 1997. - 307 S.

Gruß, Lutz.
« Letzte Änderung: 28.07.2016 um 09:39:30 von Lutz »
> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 25.07.2016 um 16:58:44  Gehe zu Beitrag
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