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Vier Gründungs-Depot`s im Westtal des Tals der Könige
Current Research in Egyptology Conference in London : Afifi Ghonim - Field Supervisor der Egyptian Expedition im TdK 2007-2011
Von Lutz am 05.05.2014 um 13:06:05 

Endlich werden weitere Ergebnisse der in den letzten Jahren im Tal der Könige (offiziell unter der Leitung von Hawass) vorgenommenen Ausgrabungen vorgestellt. Diesmal zu den Untersuchungen im Westtal. Bisher waren mir nur diffuse Andeutungen aus diversen Hawass Auftritten zu dieser Grabung bekannt ...

Mysterious Buried Artifacts Discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings (Live Science, Owen Jarus, 01. May 2014)

Der Vortrag "Ministry of Antiquities - The Discovery of Intact Foundation Deposits in the Western Valley of the Valley of the Kings" wurde am 12. April in London gehalten und wird vermutlich / hoffentlich im nächsten Konferenz-Band publiziert.

Geändert: 06.05.2014 um 19:23:13

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Lutz05.05.2014 um 13:26:45
Current Research in Egyptology XV - April 9-12, 2014

Afifi Rohim Afifi & Glen Dash : The Discovery of Intact Foundation Deposits in the Western Valley of the Valley of the Kings

Abstract : Between 2007 and 2011, the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA, now the Ministry of State for Antiquities) undertook a comprehensive set of excavations and surveys in the Valley of the Kings, including the Western Valley. The Western Valley terminates in two canyons, one running to the west and the other branching off to the south. The southern canyon lies approximately 150 meters east of the Tomb of Ay. There the SCA team uncovered a set of four undisturbed foundation deposits. The deposits contained pottery, food offerings, and tools, among other things. Previously discovered foundation deposits in the Valley of the Kings have always been associated with a nearby tomb. To date, however, our expedition has not found any tomb nearby. This presents us with a mystery: what purpose did these deposits serve? Did they signify something else beside the commencement or completion of a tomb? Did they signify the commencement of a tombwhich was never completed? Or is there still an undiscovered tomb nearby?

Gruß, Lutz.

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