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Chontamenti  maennlich

Der Weg der Heiligen Familie 
« Datum: 30.11.2022 um 15:26:46 »   

Die Stationen des Wegs der Heiligen Familie in Ägypten wurden zum UNESCO-Immaterialen Kulturerbe erklärt :https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/32/97/480797/Heritage/Walks/Egypt-enlists-Journey-of-the-Holy-Family-festivals.aspx
Stefan  maennlich

Re: Der Weg der Heiligen Familie 
« Antwort #1, Datum: 01.04.2023 um 17:46:44 »   

Dear friends, believers, truthseekers and interested ones, here comes my Christmas Gift for all of You who are interested to know what happened in the time when Jesus, Mary and Joseph were in Egypt:
The most probable and best evidenced parts of the History of the Holy Family in Egypt.
My two used and recommended sources are:
AKE = Anna Katharina Emmerick 1821, Das Leben der heiligen Jungfrau Maria
MH = Michael Hesemann 2012, Jesus in Ägypten - Das Geheimnis der Kopten
„ an angel appeared to Joseph in his dream and spoke: ‚Get up, take the child an his mother and flee to Egypt and stay there until I tell you. Beause it will happen that Herod (through his soldiers) searches for the child to kill it.‘ Immediately he got up, took the child and his mother in the night and left for Egypt. And he stayed there until the death of Herod (and his child searching murderers).“
Matthew2:13-15, Allioli Bible 1875
Regarding the explanation in brackets () compare Exodus4:19 and Matthew2:20.
The Allioli Bible comment (p.9) of this passage informs us that in the 19th century common knowledge still was that the place where the Holy Family stayed in Egypt was called Matarea, near to the (Jewish) temple of Onias (in Leontopolis).
According to Jewish Beatified Anna Katharina Emmerich (AKE p. 385) the Holy Family would have fled to Egypt when Jesus was 9 months old. After further 9 months an angel would have informed them about Herodes massmurder of all male firstborn babies which is biblically confirmed by Herodes command to kill all babies who were two years old or under in Matthew2:16. In Jesus fifth year an angel told Jesus that Herodes had died. After 7 years and 2 months in Egypt the angel would have told Joseph that all the ones who chased after them had died so that they are in no danger anymore and they shall go back to Nazareth.
According to Historian Michael Hesemann (MH pp. 266) the ancient Christian Cologne Papyrus talks about 3 years and 11 months and ancient Christian Theophilus talks of 3 years and 6 months of the Holy Family having been in Egypt. Based on his research results Michael Hesemann supports the Egyptian Story of Joseph the Carpenter of the 4th century which talks about 1 year soujourn in Egypt.
The stations of the Holy Family’s journey along the Nile according to Anna Katarina Emmerich which are matching with the ancient Christian traditions in Egypt are:
1. Pelusium/ Tell el-Farama
2. The Tree of Bilbays
3. The Fountain of Musturud
4. Heli-O(n)-polis/ On
(1,5 years)
5. Babyl-On
6. Memphis
7. Babyl-On
8. Le-On-to-polis/ Tell el-Yahudiya
9. Matareya/ Matarea (over 5 years)
1. Pelusium at the Mediterranian Sea and the Eastern Edge of the Nile Delta:
According to AKE p.370 the Holy Family would have entered Egypt when they reached the Nile Delta at Pelusium, today called Tell el-Farama. They would have continued their journey on the raft.
According to MH p.74 the monchs Epiphanias and Bernhard the Wise, both of the 9th century call Pelusium an ancient honored station on the way of the Holy Family through Egypt.
2. The Tree of Bilbays:
According to AKE the first of two stopovers on the way to Heliopolis would have been a date tree which was so fruitful that he bowed down in front of starving Mary and Jesus who so could reach the fruits.
According to MH (p.99) a tree in the later town Bilbays  was the resting place of the Holy Family and was remembered for millenia: When 1789 Napoleons soldiers tried to shop down the tree, blood flowed from the bark. In the 19th century the tree was finally shopped down by construction workers of a mosque. The ancient christian tradition says, the child Jesus raised a widdow’s dead son to life in Bilbays.
3. The Fountain of Musturud:
According to AKE (p. 372) the following day Virgin Mary would have prayed for water and a source of water rised next to her. They drank and filled their water hose and Mary washed Jesus in the water. After this within some years the place would have become a green place and became famous as a garden full of balsam bushes.
According to MH the christian tradition says the stone fountain in the church was a work done by Jesus. And the Holy Family used it for drinking, washing and bathing. The place is called the bathing place of Jesus.
4. Heli-O(n)-polis/ On:
According to the Bible and the Book of Jubilees Heliopolis/On is the town where Potiphar/Potiphera - Father Jacob’s son Joseph’s slavemaster and later father-in-law -  lived and worked as Priest - like also his daughter Asenath, the later wife of Joseph.
AKE confirms this more precisely and states that after father Jacob’s death, Joseph’s brothers would have moved from Avaris to Heliopolis. She also tells us that Joseph, Mary and Jesus settled there for about 1 and a 1/2 year. Then they would have left the place due to lack of work and various kinds of persecutions.
MH concludes from his research results that the Holy Family did not enter Heliopolis but did return back into the Nile Delta and visited several places there including Alexandria. So there seems to be no ancient christian tradition talking about Heliopolis as a Station of the Holy Family’s Journey through Egypt.
Nevertheless MH describes the place Maratanea as a part of the the huge Temple complex of On, later in Greek called Heliopolis. This is matching AKE‘s same description of both places as a town or village of ruins. Conclusion: Later called Matarea, LeONtopolis, HeliO(N)topolis and BabylON altogether had been parts of the over 5000 years old huge major religious center place of Egypt called IWNW or in Hebrew ON.
5. Babyl-On (Gate to On):
According to AKE Joseph, Mary and Jesus, searching for a place to better live, would have passed on their way southwards Babyl-On.
According to MH Joseph, Mary and Jesu passed on their way southwards Babyl-On, the „Gate to On“. One Greek and one Coptic Church, both including old caves, deliver ancient christian traditions confirming the accommodation of the Holy Family on their journey through Egypt. The Greek ancient Christian tradition says the Holy Family stayed for three years in Babyl-On and then returned to Israel. Babyl-On is around 20km near to Matarea and around 10km near to Heliopolis.
6. Memphis:
According to AKE Joseph, Mary and Jesus would have come on their way along Memphis not far away from today’s town Ma’adi.
MH writes that Ma’adi is according to Coptic Church a place where the Holy Family came along. Ma’adi is originally famous for a miracle: A swimming open Bible in the river Nile revealing the prophecy about Egypt was discovered in the 70s and made Ma’adi famous. Ma’adi is on the eastern side of the Nile not far away from the ancient town Memphis on the western side of the Nile.
7. Babyl-On:
According to AKE on their way back north when they had returned after having been expelled from Troiya they would have gone along Babyl-On a second time. Troiya is a town on the eastern side of the Nile near to where Memphis is on the western side of the Nile.
According to MH Joseph, Mary and Jesu passed on their way Babyl-On, the „Gate to On“, again a second time on their way back after they had returned from their journey at the river Nile. One Greek and one Coptic Church, both including old caves, deliver ancient christian traditions confirming the accommodation of the Holy Family on their journey through Egypt. The Coptic Church states, the accomodation was on their way back.
8. Le-On-topolis:
Leontopolis - up until today called the Tell el-Yahudiya, the Hill of the Jews - has a millennia old story to tell about the descendants of the people of Israel, who did not follow Moses into the desert but stayed in Egypt. You can explore their archeologically evidenced history on www.IsraelinEgypt.com/Joseph in the third part of the Chapter.
According to AKE Leontopolis would have only been one mile away from the Holy Family’s living in Matariya/ Matarea. Young boy Jesus would have visited sometimes Leontopolis in order to buy bread with the by work earned money of Joseph and Mary. He wept bitterly about the idolatry of his people he had to see. Joseph who often worked  as a carpenter in Leontopolis also would have suffered strongly from having to watch the Egyptians and his Jewish people of Leontopolis their idolatrous cult fornication and their sacrificing of their own children to the Idols. The Jewish people of Leontopolis even had their own temple and a fake arc of the covenant with little fornication idols in it. When Joseph wept about all this, an angel arrived and told him that years after Herodes’ death now all murderers who searched for the children to kill it are dead and the danger is over, they shall leave Egypt and return to Nazareth.
According to MH (p.99) the past presence of the Holy Family in Leontopolis is confirmed by local ancient christian traditions.
9. Matariya/ Matarea:
According to AKE Matarea would have been the final station of the Holy Family’s journey through Egypt before they returned to Israel and they would have lived in Matarea (confirmed by the ancient Christian traditions evidenced in the mentioned Allioli Bible comment of 1875) for over 5 years. There and in the 1 mile near Jewish town Leontopolis Joseph had a lot of work to earn their living and they suffered no persecutions. Matarea was like the near Heliopolis a place of ruins, according to MH Matarea even belonged to Heliopolis. Joseph had received a little temple - in which the idols had fallen and broken when Jesus arrived - from the pagan priests who remembered the Seventh Plague of the G’d of Israel also having destroyed their idols. Joseph would have converted the little Temple into a Synagouge for converted pagans and jews and would have become the father of this growing community as already in Heliopolis/On before.
In the beginning there was no sober water in Matarea, and Joseph working as a carpenter was often treated like a slave and did not get paid, and there was no good wood but it all became better. Praying for water, Mary was told by an angel to look for a source of water behind her room: There was an old very thick tree next to which she discovered this water source digging for it and Joseph constructed the fountain. The Holy Virgin dried the washed clothes of Jesus in the sun on a big stone next to the tree. This water source and big stone would have already been discovered and used before - by Abraham, who lived there for also five years with his nephew Lot when they visited Egypt (Sara had to live in Pharao’s palace). The big stone would have been used by Abraham as a sacrifice altar.  The fountain was used as a healing spring already in the time of the Holy Family up until the 19th century. A little church was built at that place by the Early Christians and people were bathing in the pond to be healed also even in the time when the mohammedans had already come.
MH experienced the place Matariya/ Matarea as a  wonder: In the midst of the biggest, loudest and most restless City of Africa - Cairo - Matariya, the Garden of Mary, is an Oasis of peace and tranquility. Of all places visited by the Holy Family this is the one with the oldest and most unambiguous tradition. Middle Ages reports witness Matarea as the first station on Egyptian ground for most Holy Land Pilgrims. The Arabian Childhood Gospel of the 5th century confirms Jesus brought forth a fountain in Matarea in which Mary washed his clothes. It also mentions the Holy Balm manufacturing; Also the Coptic Synaxarium says confirmingly that the Holy Family took a bath in the fountains water pool. And the balm of this garden place is explained as a result of Jesus having broken Joseph’s rod into little pieces, which he put into the earth; He watered them with the Holy Water of the fountain. The pieces of Joseph’s rod had put down roots and got leaves for the balm. Also AKE talks about a sanctuary in a wall recess of the Holy Family’s prayer room: The end of Joseph’s rod with a blossom, which made Joseph the chosen groom of Virgin Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem. Both stories fit together perfectly and Matariya (Mother’s Garden) is up until today a garden full of balm bushes which are used for the Holy Anointing Oil, the Myron, of the Coptic Church of Egypt.
The mulberry/sycamore tree in Mary’s Garden is very thick and hollowed out, the ancient Christian traditions say the Holy Family had hidden in this tree. Exactly the same story is told by AKE about a thick hollowed out sycamore tree not far away from the date tree of Bilbais: Mary and Jesus would have used the hollowed out sycamore tree to hide from some unpleasant following ones and the Holy Family stayed there overnight.
In the 15th century the Christian Pilgrimage  to Matarea grew so tremendously that Emir Yaschbak built a hotel at and a wall around the place (including stones of the little church of the early christians, destroyed in the muslim invasion?).
The in ancient traditions most often mentioned and happened miracle in the time of Jesus and the Holy Family in Egypt is the breaking and falling down of all idols wherever Jesus appeared. This is the same way again and again confirmed by Beatified Anna Khatarina Emmerich and it is also the most often depicted miracle scene of the Holy Family in Egypt (see pictures).
This tremendous amount of matchings of Jewish Beatified Anna Katharina Emmerich’s Visions with the ancient Christian traditions of Egypt take place in a very small area of the river Nile of only about 30 km length. And it invites warmly all truthseekers to visit Cairo in Egypt and search for the old stones in Mary’s Garden or in the walls around it or in the 15th century hotel walls which could indicate AKE’s described sacrifice altar stone of Abraham used by Virgin Mary to dry Jesus’ clothes in the sun. Or is it even still lying anywhere near to the tree? Can You rediscover the Holy Water Source near the Sycamore Tree with a divinig rod? Or little Jesus’ bed? AKE saw a recess made by Joseph in the wall of the vault, where Mary slept, in which the camp of Jesus was. Or the wall recess for a sanctuary in the Holy Family’s prayer room?  In the ancient early Christians’ church one was able to go down next to the altar into the cave Virgin Mary first lived in. And the turks never extinguished the candlelight in that church. Whatever You will find visiting Mary’s Garden or the near chapel in Cairo enjoy Your discovery adventure journey and tell us what You‘ve discovered
> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 30.11.2022 um 15:26:46  Gehe zu Beitrag
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