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Tracht im NR 
« Datum: 07.01.2016 um 12:50:33 »     

Hallo allerseits,

ich bin auf der Suche nach Literatur zur Tracht (inkl. Schmuck) im Neuen Reich. Bisher bin ich nur auf Stähelin's Arbeit gestossen, die leider nur des Alte Reich betrifft.
Könnt ihr mir was empfehlen?

Danke schonmal!
Iufaa  maennlich

Re: Tracht im NR 
« Antwort #1, Datum: 07.01.2016 um 13:18:04 »   

Staehelin hat auch den Artikel im LÄ VI, Sp. 726-737, verfasst und dabei mehrere Publikationen zitiert, z.B. von Bonnet, Heuzey, Riefstahl, Houston, u. a. Diese sind allerdings alle schon etwas älter, für neuere Artikel muss man wohl eine Literaturrecherche machen.

> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 07.01.2016 um 12:50:33  Gehe zu Beitrag
Lutz  maennlich

Re: Tracht im NR 
« Antwort #2, Datum: 07.01.2016 um 15:07:56 »   

Für einen ersten Überblick empfehle ich ... Rosalind Hall : Egyptian Textiles. - [Shire Egyptology 4]. - Princes Risborough : Shire Publications, 1986. - ISBN : 0852638000. - 72 S., 52 Fig., mit einer umfangreichen Literaturliste :

OEB 31242 (AEB 1986.0739): "In nine chapters the author introduces Egyptian textiles in their context to the general public. In chapter 1 she points out the archaeological importance of textiles. Woven fabrics and dyeing, and spinning and weaving are the subjects of chapter 2 and 3 respectively. Chapter 4 is devoted to the representations of costume in Egyptian art. In chapter 5 she describes the actual extant garments in daily or funerary use, present in various museums of the world, particularly the collection of the Petrie Museum (UC inv.nos.). The materials from undisturbed tombs are also described. A separate chapter 6 is devoted to Tutankhamon's wardrobe. Chapter 7 is concerned with the Egyptian laundry and washing practice. Sewing and darning is dealt with in chapter 8. In the last chapter 9 the author devotes some attention to the relations between dress and rank and function in ancient Egypt. Suggestions for museums to visit and index added.

Aus meiner Sicht der (deutschsprachige) Klassiker ... Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood : Die Kleider des Pharaos - Die Verwendung von Stoffen im Alten Ägypten. - Hannover / Amsterdam : Kestner-Museum / Batavian Lion, 1995. - ISBN : 9076073849. - 152 S., Fig.

OEB 38393 (AEB 1994.0684) : "This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, held in 1994 at the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden. It is not a catalogue, although many objects on show in the exhibition are illustrated in the text. The book is instead an introduction to the subject of ancient Egyptian textiles and clothing. It is divided into three parts, which follow the theme and the structure of the exhibition. In the first part (chapters 1-3) the production of linen is described, from the flax seed to washing and textile repair. The second part (chapters 4-7) is devoted to the various ways linen was used in ancient Egypt, profane as well as religious including funerary. Special attention is paid to how clothing was used, both in daily life by private people and by the king, exemplified from the rich finds in the tomb of Tutankhamon (chapter 7). The last part is concerned with the various accessories worn in combination with clothing. They are: cosmetics (chapter 8, written by J. Fletcher), jewellery and amulets (chapter 9, by M. J. Raven), wigs and hair-dress (chapter 10, by Fletcher), and footwear (ch. 11, by the author and W. Z. Wendrich). In chapter 12 Raven sketches the history of the collection of Egyptian textiles (including Coptic ones) in the museum (see AEB 1994.0889). Glossary of textile terms and bibliography added."

Sehr zu empfehlen wenn es eher darum geht nachzuvollziehen, wie die zahlreich von bildlichen und figürlichen Darstellungen bekannten Kleidungsstücke real ausgesehen haben und getragen wurden ... Ermanno Zoffili : Kleidung und Schmuck im Alten Ägypten. - Frankfurt am Main / Berlin : Propyläen Verlag, 1992. - 256 S., Ill. - ISBN : 3-549-05465-3.

OEB 36516 (AEB 1992.0841): "This is the German translation of a book which appeared in 1991 under the title Costume e cultura dell'antico Egitto. It begins with a series of rather brief chapters dealing with the country and the people, characteristics of Egyptian art, representations of clothes in early works of art, men's and women's dresses, textiles, precious and semi-precious stones, jewellery, and cosmetics. The main part consists of a series of splendidly executed drawings, often coloured, of Egyptian dresses of all periods, head-dresses, wigs, and footgear, along with reproductions of the Egyptian representations by which they were inspired. Bibliography."

Sicher in div. Bibliotheken vorhanden, antiquarisch ab ca. 30,- € + Vers. im Online-Buchhandel erhältlich.

Gruß, Lutz.
> Antwort auf Beitrag vom: 07.01.2016 um 12:50:33  Gehe zu Beitrag
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